YES, a noise survey is required for all workplaces where noise has the potential to cause harm to employees. A simple guide for this is to check if noise is intrusive in the workplace i.e. do you have to shout to be heard when stood only 1 metre away. If this occurs there is a very real risk that employees can suffer hearing damage.  A company simply handing out ear plugs or ear muffs is not enough by law and as such it is not carrying out its health and safety duties.

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 state that an assessment has to be undertaken including taking noise measurements by a competent (experienced and qualified) occupational hygienist. Consideration has to be made to reduce the noise at source, that can be achieved through various means, and to overall minimise the chance that the worker will be exposed to the harmful noise. Then a plan of action of control measures to achieve this aim is required